"The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods in X-Men: Days of Future Past. The characters from the original X-Men film trilogy join forces with their younger selves from X-Men: First Class in an epic battle that must change the past - to save our future." Written by Twentieth Century Fox -IMDB
Hooked with these time-travel themed movies and series lately and I just won't let this movie pass! Well, one thing I learned when you time travel, either to the future or to the past, is that you can't change anything. You just have to be an observer; watching these people go by,talking, laughing, walking and dying. Because if you would try to save someone who was meant to die, it might change the whole future though.
But in Marvel Universe, it seems the X-Men will do everything to save the future, even teaming up with their past selves! Cool! If it were me, and I would have a chance to go back to the past and see the younger me, I would encourage my "younger me" to try sports and be athletic! Because I am not really into sports right now (yeah, what's sports? lol) , and I would like to see how will it work if I did. But one thing's for sure, I would have a very nice and toned body by now. Or abs. Or muscles. LoL!
Okay, let's just watch the trailer below!
What about you? What would you correct from the past to save the future? :)
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